
Start, start, start!

I started the second sock just to get past the thinking part of the knitting. I'm nowhere near done with the first sock.

Here's a better view of the vikkel braid, before the ribbing pulls back in.

I'm to that part of pregnancy where I'm really wondering when he's going to be born. I'm due in seventeen days. Will starting a lot of projects make him come early, keeping me from finishing anything? Or will starting all of these projects make him come late, as I just keep finishing and finishing and finishing? Or do I have to admit that there's nothing I can do to guess when he'll be born? And even less I can do to influence him?


At 1:00 PM, Blogger Kate said...

Goodness! I can't even keep up with your progress! You've already finished for the knit along too. That's nuts. You're an inspiration. Enjoy this time of expectation.

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Brynne said...

The only reason I'm making so much progress is that I have a huge break between finishing my MS and becoming an active mother. Being a passive mother to an unborn baby leaves tons of time for knitting. I fully expect to have a dramatic slowdown once he's born.


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